January 2023 |
Recent Events: · Seminar on Progress in APT for the year 2022 (SPA-2022) · The 46th Session of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-46) · The 5th Meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-23 (APG23-5)
New Year Message from Secretary General of APT
I wish
all of you the very best as we begin the new year of 2023.
I would like to thank all APT members, partners, and stakeholders for their continuous support and contribution, which made the year 2022 successful with fruitful outcomes. Accordingly, we could progress in implementing APT Strategic Plan and following the direction of the Singapore Statement. We could not have been in the position where we are now without such a tremendous level of support and cooperation from all of you.
Looking ahead as 2023 begins, I would like to share with you our perspective for 2023, which includes the following key elements:
· Strengthen ties with members to enhance collaboration. · Utilize digital services to meet members’ expectations and continue to respond efficiently to their needs and requests. · Promote “APT” for wider recognition of our significant roles and achievements. · Expand collaboration with all stakeholders, including APT members, other regional/international organizations, the private sector, academia, etc.
I am confident that with your strong commitment and support from all the members, APT will continue to grow and play a key role in maximizing the benefits of ICT in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond to achieve even more than what we have achieved thus far. Thank you for being with us along this journey as we seek to ensure APT’s success in 2023.
Masanori Kondo Secretary General |
APT welcomes new Affiliate Members in January 2023
APT extends our warm welcome to the following as new Affiliate Members, effective from 1 January 2023. · Apple Korea Limited (Republic of Korea) · Cisco Systems (USA) Pte Ltd (Singapore) · Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA) (Singapore)
Recent Events |
Seminar on Progress in APT for the year 2022 (SPA-2022) 12 December 2022, Bangkok, Thailand (Hybrid Meeting)
The Seminar on Progress in
SPA-2022 covered the update of APT activities for the year 2022 as well as the outcomes of ITU Conferences and Assemblies in 2022, which reflected a pivotal role of APT in establishing regional voice at international events.
Click here for more details.
The 46th Session of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-46) 13 - 16 December 2022, Bangkok, Thailand (Hybrid Meeting)
The 46th Session of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-46) was held from 13 December - 16 December 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand as a hybrid meeting. The MC-46 was attended by 167 representatives from 28 Members, 2 Associate Members, 8 Affiliate Members, 2 International Organizations, an Office Bearer of Work Programme, and the External Auditor.
MC-46 reviewed and considered the Work Programme activities and Budget expenditure of the APT in 2022. For the year 2023, MC-46 approved the Work Programme for the year 2023 in line with the objectives of the Strategic Plan of the APT and approved the Annual Budget for the year 2023. MC-46 approved 24 Work Programmes and 46 Activities which have been increased number of Work Programmes and Activities compared to last year. MC-46 also approved USD 3,038,368 for the budget for the year 2023.
MC-46 approved the establishment of Correspondence Group for the Strategic Plan of the APT for 2024-2026 (CGSP) which will spearhead preparation of the draft of the Strategic Plan. For the leadership of CGSP, MC-46 approved the nominations of Chair from Lao PDR and Vice-Chairs from People’s Republic of Bangladesh and People’s Republic of China for the Correspondence Group on the Strategic Plan (CGSP). APT Members and Associate Members are kindly invited to nominate experts as members of CGSP.
From left: Dr. Naranmandakh Tumen-Ulzii, Vice Chair of MC; Mr. Masanori Kondo, Secretary General of APT; Dr. Ahmad Reza Sharafat, Chair of MC; Ms. Phavanhna Douangboupha, Vice-Chair of MC; and Mr. Liu Ziping, Deputy Secretary General of APT.
Towards the end of closing session, the Secretary General, on behalf of APT members, expressed his appreciation to recognize individual Office Bearers who contributed to the work of the APT.
Click here for more details. / Click here for Photo Gallery.
Upcoming Events |
31 January - 2 February 2023, New Delhi, India
The objective of this workshop is to share insights, experiences, best practices as well as engage in dialogue to identify the challenges, opportunities and possible way forward on the work items under the SATRC Working Group on Spectrum for SAP-VIII in order to have better understanding on those issues. It will
also provide an opportunity for the SATRC Members as well as industry to
share their
The 5th Meeting of the
APT Conference Preparatory Group 20 - 25 February 2023, Busan. Republic of Korea (Hybrid Meeting)
will be held with physical attendance as well as virtual/online participation
through Zoom
1. review the results of APG23-4 and any Intersessional Working Party meetings 2. update APT preliminary views on WRC-23 Agenda Items based on input contributions from APT Members 3. consider the progress in ITU-R Study Groups in relation to WRC-23 Agenda items, and take necessary actions as appropriate 4. to review the draft CPM Report and develop APT Views on proposed modification(s) to the draft CPM Report, as appropriate, for submission to CPM23-2; 5.
review the activities of other regional organisations, in
particular their preliminary views/positions on WRC-23 with a view to
fostering interregional 6. review issues related to RA-23 and develop APT Views, if any 7. consider any possible action(s) that arise from the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 (PP-22) in relation to the radiocommunication sector.
Quick Links to APT Work Programmes and Activities |
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